Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hedgie's Playground Designs

In room 20, we worked hard to design playgrounds for Hedgie. We designed them by thinking about the needs of a hedgehog as well as working in groups.
The first step was drawing our design on paper.
The second step was transferring our design onto a bigger piece of cardboard.
The next step was building the playground. Some of the materials we used were:
- paper
- rocks
- clear coloured paper
- pipe cleaners
- foam shapes
- popsicle sticks
- coffee stir stix
- toothpicks
- pom poms
We attached our building materials using hot glue, white glue and glue sticks.

The final step of our building process was taking a picture of the finished product. We felt awesome and happy and so proud of ourselves!

Here are some pictures of our finished products of our Hedgie Playgrounds.

Some of the things that were included on our playgrounds are:

Zainab, Natasha, Bhableen: A store for if Hedgie needs worms. She could go get them. They are a favorite food for her. There is also a water bottle.
Henna, Preetpal, Justin: We included a store for worms. There is a running wheel for Hedgie to run on. There is a fence because Hedgie can't get outside. There is a swimming because she can swim.
Nathan, Mohammad, Ahnaf: We made a jungle because she can find worms and fight snakes. There is a flag because Hedgie can climb it. We built a playhouse so Hedgie can play in it. It is rubber so she can bounce!
Dylan, Farhan, Ali: There are rocks because Hedgie won't get hurt. There is a slide so Hegdie can climb up and down and get exercise. There is a shelter because she needs protection. We put a running wheel so she can get more exercise. We also put a food bowl and a worm place.
Sukhmani, Jaskaran, Dakota: We included a rainbow so that Hedgie can go in it. We put monkey bars so she can do exercise and stretch. We included a worm store so that Hedgie can eat worms. We included fake worms.
Austin, Jamaal, Morgan: We made a place Hedgie can slide down and land on the pom pom and turn into a ball and bounce. We made colourful monkey bars so Hedgie can climb because she is a good climber.
Aroosha, Kamilah, Latesha: We made a house because Hedgie will go inside it. We made a worm store so she can eat worms. We put pom poms around a swimming pool so Hedgie can swim. We put trees so she can climb up the trees and have shade. We also put a running wheel so she can exercise.